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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Oh do you like CHROME???

Yes that's right do like Chrome???

Well basically Google has just launched a new internet browser named Google Chrome [Click the link to download]. I personally have not tried it yet and not planning to for the mean time. This is due to the fact that chrome is still in its beta stage. Which basically mean in the stage where people test it for potential problems.

By the way like any new programs there will be problems somewhere and somewhat. So here is a good tip I recommend people to follow when dealing with a new software "Lets others go first, when its ok than its my turn" in other words "You go first, I back-up you." With this you would save all the trouble that you might have to face when using the new software. Especially beta softwares becareful of them

Thursday, September 04, 2008

>>>>>>>> Multi Level Marketing <<<<<<<<

Multi level marketing, is something I am sure you guys have heard of already. An example of MLM would be LB. Well while I was searching the internet [via google as always] I stumble an interesting interpretation of MLM that is Multi LYING Marketing. Anyhow recently [today actually] I have accidentally joined one, and its free for now unless I wanna be a Executive Affiliate which needs some input. However i refuse to input anything, but I would like you guys to try it out as well.

Just try it out I guarantee its absolutely free. Moreover its your chance to try out something different that might make you a fortune. The idea i am trying to portray is if you join for free and get your friends to join under you than you would make money for free without a fuss.

[haha I sound like a hardcore MLM member]