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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Adelaide, Australia

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

I want to play like Stevy

Well, if you did not know, I am playing CoD4 and I am trying to be a pro in it. However so far I have not improve much, but I have adopted a role model to follow, currently he is in fnatic. Stevy is the player that I want to be like.

Here is the reason why I want to play like him;

... and another one...

Recently, he joined fnatic, by now should be about 2 months and since his addition to fnatic.MSI CoD4 team, they have not lost a single game yet. What a player, well of course it is a team game and thus requires team effort. However with one of the world's top sniper, it would take more to beat team fnatic.MSI. I really adore his sniping and truly want to play like him. On top of that I also want to be the very best, and be one of the top sniper in Malaysia for starters, and hopefully climb higher to the world arena. Wish me luck, hope I will be able to train up to acheive my dreamz. ( I am aware that nobody visits my blog, however I am doing this for myself, soon i should be updating with CoD4 updates )


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