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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Adelaide, Australia

Friday, March 31, 2006


wat a long week for me haha hmmm i hav to hand in my assignment yesterday which is friday on top of that i had a human bio test on friday too. plus to make thing worst my human bio lectures are at 8 which most of the time i would skip(not a good example) that why i had to spend a long time on the chapters that is being tested. hmmmmm but definately it was the most productive week i had since uni started. but the course has jus started to take its full swing, i am having more and more labs to go and assignment(which is common, who does not have assignment). well today(now in tassie) is april fool's day alreadi haha so quick, 3 months is gone alreadi one fourth of the year has gone by with a blink of an eye. truly onli fools would not notice time, second are ticking by without a way to reclaim them back. no way at all, every ticks of a second tat pass by would just become history, the past, like any other stories of the past. how would u like ur history to look or sound like is all in your hands.

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