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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Adelaide, Australia

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


-changes!!! every one and everything goes through changes to adapt to the surrounding and yes it makes us different all the time.
-nothin could last the way it is and it was anymore everythin is changing rapidly.
-its whether u change to fit in or u dun change and lose out.
-it might sound cruel but tats the way of life now, look around life is so vague, one moment u might be havin fun and the other u might be dead.
-so in the end of the day its up to us to choose what u one to become and how u one to life ur life truly i made up [me-ism]
for some reason tat i hav not understand yet some how is about urself and wat u choose to do.
-in the end of the day onli GOD will judge u not anyone else, so choose wat u one to become and doin for urself.


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