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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Adelaide, Australia

Friday, December 09, 2005

maybe off to tas

i saw my results alreadi hmmmm it came out earli on the next sayin that i hav onli 288 marks haha which means i will not get into pharmacy in melb which means i need to go to tasmania to do pahrmacy hmmm how saddenin i realli dun one to go to tasmania i think it would suck lo haha.

haiz but at the same time who as me to play so much hmmm i am still hopppin the results is not the final one cause is says MF1T which means 1 semester and T should mean for trialz. tat would mean grades from 1 semester to trailz btw i got 288 for my top 4 best which means about 72% like tat la and of course my lausiest result was physics haha . actualli they should hav put MFFY where FY stands for full year so hopefulli the current marks is not my finalz la.

here are my current results standin with mathz a leadin at 75 followed by bio at 74 than chem at 72 and eng at 67 and at last but not least phy at 62 haha so hopefulli tomolo the scores would change higher haha i will updated my blog tomolo wit the lastest hopefulli good newz till than chowz

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